Sito Teresa Giannico

Teresa Giannico

Late august memories n°1, n°2 and n°3 - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 120x90cm

Archives of Empathy - curated by Giangavino - installation view @ Viasaterna, Milan

I used to look at your photographs - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 110x136cm
Grace - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 105x70cm
Still life with flowers and canvas - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 90x60cm
Lines of empathy - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 43x34cm
A tale of early autumn - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 90x130cm
Still life with flowers and canvas - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 90x60cm
Her - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 43x34cm
Lines of empathy - Digital drawing printed on cotton paper 43x34cm

Archives of Empathy - installation view @ Viasaterna, Milan ​

VAF Stiftung prize - installation view @ Mart Rovereto​

Working with visual debris sourced from a constantly fed digital archive, these works are the creation of human and natural landscapes that, while not painterly, aim to evoke an impressionistic sensibility.

Rereading the iconography of photography and contemplating the implications that the web has on our perception of the world, these images result from a dense assembly of fragments from different photos, constructing places and people that do not exist in reality.